
Mental Performance Coaching for Athletes and Performers

Erin Beskid M.A LCPC

Erin Beskid M.A Sport and Performance Psychology


You have known you want support for a while.

You may have even done some research, listened to some podcast and asked around. But nothing seemed quite right. You aren't sure if you need a counselor, a a performance coach, or some days you wonder if you need a psychiatrist. 

You aren't weak. You are used to succeeding, but it is so frustrating that no matter how hard you try you can't seem to break through. You are looking for someone you can trust who really GETS what you want. Someone who understands the nuisances of your lifestyle like a crazy schedule, intense training, and a level of commitment not everyone can handle.

But will they really get it?

Your family and friends are awesome but even they don’t always get it and they can only hear you talk about it so much. You were raised in an environment where weakness has no place so the thought of asking for help is nerve wracking. How does it work? Will it mess with my game? Who will find out?

Support, trust and an understanding of elite performers.

Hi, I’m Erin and I specialize in the issues and skills of elite athletes and performers. As a Mental Performance Coach I help those who seek excellence get back to making progress, feeling competent and finding joy in what they do. I keep our conversations private. I don’t talk to coaches, teammates, or anyone at all unless you ask me to. I am an unbiased third party whose only focus is on YOU. This is critical to feeling safe to do the work you want to do. Another big piece is that our professional relationship exists within a judgement-free zone. This helps us better address what’s really going on.

Structure and a plan.

As far as actually doing the work. We meet one on one by video weekly. I listen to what is working and what’s not and we make a plan. I teach skills that help focus the mind and calm the body. I help you to be prepared for thoughts that threaten performance moments. I use biofeedback as a foundational skill. Each client has their own sensor that works with an app on their phone that gives real time stress information. This helps you lean to monitor your stress and stay focused in performance moments.

When applying new skills I help you practice them and get them down before you apply them in performance situations. This allows you to get support and begin making changes but also go at the pace that fits for you and your performance schedule.

What’s holding you back?

If you are ready to let go of what’s holding you back, message me today to start focusing on you and get the skills and support you know you need.

Why Mental Performance Coaching and Counseling?

I grew up playing sports every season as well as on travel teams. I knew early on that the mental approach someone had could really make a difference in how they played and the outcome of the game. After an injury in college I started to dig more deeply into this line of thinking and ended up turning it into a career. After grad school in Denver I worked in the mountains as a youth mental coach, while still coaching youth soccer and living the mountain lifestyle-playing ice hockey and snowboarding.  This time really solidified my passion for mental performance and my skills as a performance coach. Also during my time in the mountains of Colorado I worked in community mental health and saw the depth of emotion and suffering that anxiety, fear and worry can bring. I finished my LCPC certification and generally see my work as applying the same skills and ideas across a continuum of current functioning. No matter if you are trying to improve peak performances or trying to get back to being the best you for work and family, this style and approach fits just the same. And now as a parent I have doubled down on the impact that these skills can have, bringing focus, performance and enjoyment to both competition and everyday life. I am here to help driven young people who feel confused, overwhelmed or under pressure, get back to making progress, feeling competent, and finding joy.

Q & A with Erin.


Share a little about what you do.

Yeah, I am a Performance coach by training. This means I work with folks to improve performance. Most commonly this is understood in sport but it equally applies to performance in a career, relationships or life. In sport this might look like addressing fear, worry and learning skills to increase focus on a performance task. At work it might be increasing focus of job tasks working toward an incerase in quality, efficiency and satisfaction. In relationships this might mean learning to be more present (worry less) and ultimately increasing connection. Generally speaking our ability to be present and choose our minds focus leads to decreased stress and increased happiness and satisfaction. 

How would you describe your outlook/style?

I believe the most important skill in performance is your ability to choose your focus at any given time. I teach skills based in mindfulness meditation, Cognitive behavioral therapy and biofeedback.

My style is very client centered. I want to meet you where you are at- learn and then build on what you are already doing well and work together to practice skills that address the areas holding you back. 

What training or certification do you have?

I hold a masters degree from University of Denver in Sport and Performance Psychology. I am member of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology and I hold a LCPC in Montana and Maryland to practice counseling.

Who would benefit most from your services?

Anyone wanting to “do what they do, even better”.

So what does performance coaching look like?

Working one on one or in groups or teams to increase awareness around what keeps us from doing our best (commonly fear, judgement of self/others, overthinking, overwhelm, physical manifestations, tight muscles, butterflies, anxiety) - then teach skills to address those areas. 

I have worked a lot with youth- HS and College level athletes as well as adults.